World Adoption Day 2018
I have been wanting to write another blog post about our adoption for a while but my brain has been just a frazzled mess lately. Today, however, is World Adoption Day so here’s hoping I can come up with some words to say. Lately our days are filled with a lot of waiting and learning. We are EAGERLY waiting to welcome a baby into our home. Joseph and I can not wait to be parents and we find ourselves day dreaming and talking about what it’s going to be like, or what what we will name him/her. But it’s also pretty heart breaking. We hear of women who’s lives have been turned up side down and are considering adoption. They’re making the choice to have someone else raise their child and that is heartbreaking. Adoption has given me a major reality check of how fortunate I am. For whatever reason I was born into a jack pot of a life. My family loves each other and is so supportive. I have a husband who makes me feel valued and loves me even when I don’t deserve it. I’ve always had a roof over my head and have never had to worry about where my next meal is going to come from. With all that said, waiting gets really tough. I can not WAIT for the day that Jospeh and I get to become parents. I always say that if God came down and told me “Molly, when you run 100 miles then I’ll tell you when you will bring your baby home”. GOOD GRACIOUS you better believe I’d be running out that door SO fast! Buut, I don’t think thats going to happen… and thats fine! I don’t know when Joseph and I will be parents but I know I worship a God who is faithful. We believe adoption is how God is intending for our family to start and because of that we have to put all our trust in Him. We have had situations arise where we think everything is about to work out and THIS is our baby. We pray that if this is Gods plan He will open the doors he needs to open and close the ones He needs to close. And well, there have been a lot of closed doors. It’s super easy to get sad and think about whats not happening, but I believe that’s the enemy whispering lies to us. This World Adoption Day, I’m choosing to stand on the truth that God has given us. Whenever I get down because we still have an empty crib, I start going over what I actually believe. It’s not complicated. Nothing super in-depth. It’s very simple. I believe that God knew me before I was knit together in my mothers womb. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for MY sins. For Josephs sins. And for our child’s sins. I believe that God created Joseph to be my husband and I believe that he knows exactly who our baby is. So I don’t need to get upset when we are not chosen by an expectant mom because that simply wasn’t our baby. We don’t want to bring home a baby…we want to bring home the baby God has planned for us. While I can get incredibly impatient, I am making the choice to trust God. His timing is perfect and that has been proven to me more times than I can count. World Adoption Day 2018 consists of waiting, standing in truth and hope. Hope that in 2019 our World Adoption Day will consist of more diaper changes and a little body sleeping in our crib.
*At this point in the process we realize we need more support than we could have ever thought of. So please keep us in your prayers. Prayers for patience, prayers that we will continue to look towards God during all of this and prayers for finances. If you feel called to make a donation towards our adoption, the link to our Go Fund Me is below or you can also click the photo below! From the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU for all your support! It really means the world to us!*
Kindred + Co is telling people in the adoption community to switch it up and instead of just putting a smiley face on your palm to chose another symbol that represents your adoption journey. I chose the cross because that it was I’m constantly having to go back to to reming myself that God is in control : )